create your own visited states map
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I've been thinking a lot about this recently. I was taking a class in Microsoft project and was talking to this guy from Pennsylvania who works for Bayer. Yeah, the aspirin company. And as such things come up, I said something like, "When I was in ________". And he said, "I've never been there." So we talked for a while about that. And it turns out that he's been to North Carolina to Hatteras for vacations and that's about it. And the kicker was, he was really surprised that I had been to the places I've been. Now, I don't consider myself a well traveled person. Really. I've been lucky enough to go to a few neat places, but not all that many. Work has also sent me places. Wonderful places like Cleveland (3 times), St. Louis, and New Hampshire in January. But unless you really work at it, you don't get to see much outside of whatever venue you're in at the time. And you see, I've always been around people that had gone to cool places. Places I'd heard of but hadn't ever really thought possible. I'm still working on the USA as well. About 30 states so far. And the ones that are really calling to me now are out west. Photographer's country. Utah, Montana, and New Mexico. Maybe California. But it's so big it ought to be considered like three separate states. I still find it weird though that the old saw about most people never going more than 250 miles from where they were born to be unreal. I don't think I could handle that, even though I'm now back within that distance from home. There are still so many places I want to see that I doubt I'll be able to do them all before they look like just a disneyfied version of themselves as well. So I'm not going to publish the google hack map of the world as it is just a little disheartening.
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